jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

TALE, the child and the river

Road, road that you arrive long…
-from the mountains to the river…
Tomorrow, what will happen?...if you wouldn’t cross the river.
-the thin hair’s child…he sings the pity, at the river.
-the sad eyes’s little girl…she leaves her pity into the river.
-thousands colors’s pebbles, landslides go down through the river…
-little shells and little fishes.
green rushes sway into the river.
-river, river…. Tomorrow, what will happen?...
and if I don’t cross your river?
-listen, river!
-Make me a long bridge, long with little river’s stones.
color’s butterflys, they flutter into the river.
and, the reflected moon goes down through the river.
-already, in the other bank, the child…without pity smiles to the river/


IMarian (August 2011) poeme d.reserv.

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